Pumpkin Protein Smoothie
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/pumpkin-protein-smoothie” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/pumpkin-protein-smoothie.jpg” description=”This protein pumpkin smoothie is a great holiday treat…so good, you’d never know it was healthy! #TheHappyGal #smoothie #pumpkin #holidays”]
Total Body Home Workout
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/total-body-home-workout/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/TOTAL-BODY-HOME-WORKOUT.jpg” description=”If you are looking for a High Intensity Workout to do at home this is a good one! #highintensity #workout #home #willmakeyousweat #haveyoubeggingformercy”]
How I Became a Good Mom
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/how-i-became-a-good-mom/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Being-a-Good-Mom.jpg” description=”It’s got to be the same for everyone…the moment we first look into the newborn eyes of our oldest child, all other ambitions in life give way to our overwhelming desire to be a good mother. As time goes on, that desire grows stronger and stronger…even as we begin to realize […]
Teriyaki Flank Steak
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/teriyaki-flank-steak/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Teriyaki-Flank-Steak.jpg” description=”This recipe is so yummy you are going to want to try it!! #flanksteak #recipe #teriyaki #healthy”]
Lower Body Workout

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/lower-body-workout/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/The-Happy-Gal-Lower-Body-Workout.jpg” description = “Great lower body workout for buns and thighs! www.TheHappyGal.com #lowerbodyworkout #exercise #fitness”]Before you get started in this post, I just wanted to be sure you knew about our fantastic giveaway this week. It’s the Happy Gal Giveaway of the Year! All of my favorite organizing products, and you can […]
What should I Eat Before and After Working Out?
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=https://thehappygal.com/what-should-i-eat-before-and-after-working-out/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/What-to-Eat-Before-and-After-resized.jpg” description=”If you want to see results, this post will help you understand how to get them. In addition to exercise, it’s important to understand the role that nutrition plays. #healthyeating #nutrition #preworkout #postworkout”]
Isagenix IsaPro
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=https://thehappygal.com/isagenix-isapro/ image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/IsaPro.jpe” description=”This stuff is a must for pre-workout nutrition! Love the way it helps me burn calories, not muscle! #isapro #isagenix #supplements #preworkoutnutrition #thehappygal”]
Eat Smarter, Not Harder
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/eat-smarter-not-harder/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/eat-smart-resized1.jpg” description=”Eating good doesn’t have to be hard. Check out this post for some great information on how to make eating smart easy. #smarteating #eathealthy #tipsonhowtoeatgood”]I talked all about the virtues of carbohydrates in my post The Skinny on Carbs…but today it’s all about the protein. Because your muscles are your fat […]
Rosemary Chicken Skewers
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/rosemary-chicken-skewers/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Rosemary-Chicken-Skewers-resized.jpg” description=”You are going to LOVE this! The berry sauce that goes over this is amazing!! #skewers #rosemary #lowfat #chicken”]