Being a Good Mom

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”It’s got to be the same for everyone…the moment we first look into the newborn eyes of our oldest child, all other ambitions in life give way to our overwhelming desire to be a good mother. As time goes on, that desire grows stronger and stronger…even as we begin to realize that despite our best intentions, we often feel woefully inadequate when it comes to raising children. #motherhood #children #love #expectations #happy #life”]
It’s got to be the same for everyone…the moment we first look into the newborn eyes of our oldest child, all other ambitions in life give way to our overwhelming desire to be a good mother. As time goes on, that desire grows stronger and stronger…even as we begin to realize that despite our best intentions, we often feel woefully inadequate when it comes to raising children.
I know that’s how it’s been for me. Armed with fierce determination in the early days, I immersed myself in mothering and homemaking. I read the kids stories. I took them on walks and picnics. I planned birthday parties. I cleaned and organized our home. I even crafted a family mission statement! Surely I was doing everything right. And yet…
I didn’t love my life. Yesterday on Moms’ Best Network, I shared my experience as I finally admitted that I couldn’t be the kind of mom I always thought I needed to be…and discovered that was actually okay. It took the encouraging words of a friend to convince me that “being a good mom doesn’t have to look a certain way.” Empowered by this wisdom, I embraced opportunities to be true to myself and pursue my dreams. Along the way, I unlocked my full potential to not only be happy in life, but become the kind of mom I had always wanted to be. Read the full story here.
It’s always an unexpected path that takes you to where you want to be. If you don’t “measure up” in the ways you think you should, just remember that the greatest gift you can give to yourself – and your children – is to love and accept yourself for who you are. As you celebrate what makes you you,  you will unlock the door to living Your Best Life, and discover that you already are the kind of mom you’ve always wanted to be.

3 Responses

  1. Ahhh, Jenny! You totally hit home with me! As a little girl, I always saw myself with a ton of kids. I’d be a stay-at-home mom. I’d do all these crafts with my kiddo. I’d have them in the kitchen with me all the time. We’d play games. I’d be present.
    I have realized over the years that I am not that mom. At least not to the full extent. I am definitely present in my son’s life, but I am also very present in mine. I am involved in reaching my own goals and living my absolute best life as I know it.
    Thank you for this post Jenny. I really appreciated it!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Holly. It definitely takes some time to discover our strengths as a parent. I’m glad to know that I’m not alone!

  2. Great post, Jenny! I think we often forget to have balance as mothers which means making time for ourselves too. AND we should never feel guilty for that. We are a person with needs and dreams too. Thanks, Jenny!

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