Ep. 58 – When You Want Good Habits

What’s the secret to shrinking your to-do list, crushing your goals, and living life a little more effortlessly? Two words: Consistent habits.
Life coach Jenny is pulling back the curtain on her simple, yet profound “PATH” system for installing habits that stick. You’ll learn how to pick the right routines, assign step-by-step actions, schedule them perfectly, and anchor them to your existing daily flows.
Jenny delivers it all in her trademark warm, empathetic style. You’ll walk away understanding why past habit efforts failed, and exactly how to hardwire new positive routines this time.
Best of all, Jenny will have you map out your top habit using PATH in real-time. It’s time to experience the “compound interest of self-improvement” that great habits provide.
Whether you want to uplevel your health, work or relationships, great routines are life’s master key. Hit play and unlock transformative change today!

Ep. 57 – When Your Need Your Own Formula

Ever feel like you don’t quite measure up?

Your house isn’t clean or organized enough.
You don’t feel thin or fit or young or stylish enough.
Your kids or family don’t quite live up to the mark set by other families

Well, that’s because we tend to get convinced that getting organized, managing a home, raising a family, or anything else we do in our life has to look a certain way.

In this episode we talk about how to create your very own formula – one that will work for you, rain or shine, and leave you feeling capable, confident, and at peace.

Ep. 55 – 5 Quick and Easy Organizing Wins

55 When you need an easy win-Featured Image

Sometimes getting organized just feels too complicated!

We think we need routines and systems to do it right, and while I’m all about getting strategic…sometimes we just need an easy win.

In today’s episode I share 5 fast and easy ways to get organized. In just 10 minutes you can get a big win, and you can use that momentum to do even more great things in your day.

And, since I’m a coach and can’t help myself, I’m also going to let you in on a little secret about how you can create even MORE fast and easy wins in your day.

Ep. 43 – When Your Personality Gets In The Way Of Getting Organized

Have you ever wondered why some people can be haunted by a sink full of dirty dishes – and others walk right past it without even noticing it? Is it simply a matter of habits? Or does personal play a bigger part than we give it credit for?

In this episode Laurie Palau from SimplyBOrganized.com shares how she uses the Enneagram personality test to help her clients find ways to get organized based on their unique personalities…

Ep. 42 – When The Kids Are Bored

Midway into the summer, the honeymoon is over.

Kids are getting bored, fights are breaking out, and summer is starting to feel LONG.

But contrary to what the kids think, the real problem is not the lack of things to do –what we need to solve for is imbalance…

…because, just like us, kids feel better when they are living an organized life, and that means striking the right balance of work and play.

So right now is a great time for a summer reset…

Ep. 41 – When You Get Home From Vacation

Have you ever come home from vacation and faced such a mountain of catch-up, so much that the trip almost doesn’t seem worth it?

I remember hearing once that you should expect catching up from a vacation to take at least as many days as the trip itself.

Well, I disagree. 

There are two strategic times you can make big strides in vacation recovery, so you can be back up and running as soon as the next day. Join me in this episode for my tried and true tips, and or click HERE for a copy of my Vacation Recovery checklists.

Ep. 40 – When You Need A Little Self Care

At the time this episode is posted, we find ourselves in the heart of a family season… which might mean that your reservoir of self-care is running pretty dry. The Chinese yin/yang symbol is a perfect metaphor for balance, teaching us that in the middle of one extreme we crave its opposite. What might be missing from your summer right now is the kind of self-care that we give ourselves in a personal season.

So how do we do that in the summer?

Ep. 39 – When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Well, as John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” There are plenty of ways we get to experience “life,” and the inspiration for this particular episode came to me as I was sitting on the front porch of our Airbnb home, looking out at the lake instead of boating on it, because our boat broke…

Ep. 38 – When You Need A Little Boost

Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up every morning in a good mood? Or just have an extra boost of optimism or energy in your day? Subconsciously we are always looking for pick-me-ups that can do just that – and we often turn to spending money or snacking on junk food for that quick boost. But there is something we can do to experience a happier state more regularly.

In this episode, I share 3 easy ways we can organize more often, so we can give ourselves that little boost.

Ep. 36 – When You Need To Organize Your Summer​

Well, the last day of school is around the corner, and if you’re anything like my clients, you are feeling a little nervous about how this is all going to work once the kids are home for the summer…

…because it’s a big job. Entertaining the little ones, keeping a…