Lower Body Burner

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/lower-body-burner/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/lower-body-burner-resized.jpg” description=”Running out of workouts at the gym? Want something fresh and new? Check out this awesome lower body workout. thehappygal.com #lowerbody #bestworkout #feeltheburn”]
High Intesity Interval Training

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/?p=264″ image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/HII-500.jpg” description=”This is a killer workout. the Hi Intensity workouts really get your heart rate up and burn calories. Work smarter not harder! www.thehappygal.com #bestworkoutever #burncalories #highintensity”]
Smart Cardio Treadmill Workout

Full Body Resistance Workout

Circuit Workout

Prisoner Squats (30 Reps) Pushups (30) Jump Squats (15) Forward Lunges (30 Sets) Twist Ups (20 Reps) Step Ups (20 Reps) Incline Pushups (20 Reps) Plyometric Lunges (20 Reps) Tucked-Elbow Pushups (20 Reps) Rocking Plank (Hold For 30 Seconds Rock for 15 Reps) Prisoner Squats (30 Reps) Decline Pushups (20 Reps) Reapeat 2-3 Times My […]