Orange Julius Protein Smoothie
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”Orange Julius Protein Smoothie. Perfect, refreshing smoothie for those mornings when you want something light and tangy. #smoothie #orangejulius #proteinsmoothie”]This is the perfect, refreshing smoothie! It’s perfect for those mornings when you want something light and tangy. I love the kick from the orange juice concentrate, and of course I […]
Get Your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables!
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”Do you kids enjoy helping you in the garden? Will they eat what they grow? A few tips on gardening with your kids and how to get them to eat what they’ve grown #thehappygal #healthykids #vegetablegarden #kidseatvegetables”]We are excited to welcome Amy and Natalie from Super Healthy Kids for this post! […]
Ready, Set Back to School!

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”…..jpg” description=”You are going to love these organization tips to help you and your kids start the new year off right. #freeprintable #backtoschool #getorganized #schoolwork #paper”]Calling all mothers out there…the end is at sight! Don’t get me wrong. I love summer as much as the next girl, but come August, a […]
What Matters Most
[pinit count=”horizontal” url= image_url=”” description=”Anyone else feel confused about how to prioritize their life? After all, everything is so important! This is how I learned how to focus on what truly matters the most. #priorities #motherhood #happiness”]A couple of years ago I thought I’d nailed it with my New Year’s resolution. Like all of […]
Tips for a Fun and Organized Road Trip
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” description=”Tons of great ideas for getting organized when you pack, plus great ways to keep the kids entertained on the road and around the campfire. #camping #summer #organization #family #vacation”]
Bucket List
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”Getting real with what brings happiness in life. The Happy Gal shares her Bucket List and challenges you to create one. #thehappygal #bucketlist #happiness”]You’re never going to believe what I did a few weeks ago. Against all my better judgment, including aversion to animal smells, indoor litter boxes, and concern for […]
Workouts on Vacation

Low Fat Vegetable Dip
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”You’re going to love this dill vegetable dip recipe, and it’s even a (little bit) low fat! #thehappygal #vegetabledip #healthyrecipes”]If you are looking for the ultimate vegetable dip, look no further. You’re going to love this dill dip recipe, and it’s even a (little bit) low fat! When I make this, […]
Protein Pancakes

[pinit count-“horizontal” url=”” imate_url=”” description=”The perfect breakfast in bed for Father’s Day! These pancakes are awesome with fresh berries and fat free cool whip. They taste so good, he’ll never suspect that they’re healthy! #breakfast #proteinpancakes #breakfastinbed”]
The Ultimate 4th of July BBQ
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” description=”Celebrate the 4th of July with this unbelievable BBQ menu that is delicious AND healthy! #BBQ #4thofJuly #healthyrecipes”]