Ep. 36 – When You Need To Organize Your Summer​

Well, the last day of school is around the corner, and if you’re anything like my clients, you are feeling a little nervous about how this is all going to work once the kids are home for the summer…

…because it’s a big job. Entertaining the little ones, keeping a…

Ep. 35 – When You Need To Say No

Don’t you just hate that feeling that comes right after you say yes…when deep down you know you should have said no?

We’ve all been there.

You already have a busy day ahead, and your sister asks you to watch her kids that afternoon.

It’s not that saying yes is bad, but…

Ep. 34 – When You Are A Mother

With Mother’s Day right around the corner it seems fitting that we reflect about motherhood.

Lots of emotion around this subject, for sure.

Motherhood is equal parts difficult and amazing, and it’s pretty easy to feel like you’re not doing it right.

But in this episode I share how I stepped into my own as a mom.

It doesn’t look the way my mom did it…

Ep. 32 – When You Need A Little Motivation

Ever feel like you could use a little motivation? 

We all have a million things to do everyday, and a lot of them are pretty mundane and boring, BUT they need to get done.

So…how are you supposed to get everything done on your to-do list when you’re just not ‘feeling it’? 

Ep. 31 – When You Want To Feel More Control Over Your Life

Um….couldn’t EVERYONE use a little more control?!

With so much happening in our lives, getting more in control can sound like a fairy tale.

But it’s not.

With a simple routine, we can stop fighting fires and feeling behind the 8 ball. We can stay on top of what needs to be done, and even make space for…

3 Thoughts That Keep you From Being Organized

As I’ve been working with women for the last 15 years to help them get organized, there have been 3 specific statements that stop organization dead in its tracks.  We all say these things, but the next time one starts to come into your mind or out of your mouth…catch yourself! Replacing these limiting statements […]

5 Habits of Organized People

    Sometimes habits get a bad rap. We blame procrastination, overeating, or texting while driving on HABITS. It’s true, habits can work against us. But we are really missing out if we only look at the negative side of habits. While bad habits seem to back us into a corner where we don’t want […]

Organize Your Pantry

Anyone feel like their pantry could use a little love? This is one of those spots that can fall apart fast – especially during a busy holiday season. With lots of people using it and huge fluctuations in food volume, this one of the trickiest places in your home to keep organized. Here are some […]

3 Common Organizing Mistakes

Today I have a special treat to help you get organized. I am going to pull back the curtains on a few of my organizing tricks that can make a BIG difference and save you a LOT of time. Haven’t we all been frustrated when a project fails after we’ve worked hard on it? Too […]

Healthy 4th of July Recipes and Tips

If you are as busy as I am this summer, then it’s probably feeling pretty hard to stay organized with your health! It’s easy to just graze all night long at the barbeques. So I wanted to share some of my favorite tips and recipes for healthy BBQs – all summer and especially for the […]