Ep. 36 - When You Need To Organize Your Summer

The last day of school is around the corner, and if you’re anything like my clients, you are feeling a little nervous about how this is all going to work once the kids are home for the summer…

…because it’s a big job. Entertaining the little ones, keeping a close eye on the big ones, staying on top of the never-ending stream of dirty dishes, and finding time to work, take care of yourself, or pretty much accomplish anything else.

If there is one magic bullet to help you organize your summer, it is the paradigm shift I am sharing in this episode.

The way you look at something really does make a difference – and this summer we need that difference!

So put in your air pods and walk your dog, fold the laundry, drive the carpool, or take a walk with me. Let’s spend a few minutes talking about how we can organize your summer.

“You will never have this summer with your children again. This summer is a gift. Breathe and notice. Study their little faces and feet. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy this summer, Mama, it will be gone before you know it.” – Jen Hatmaker (edited)

Tools Mentioned:

  • Personal and Family Seasons


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