Get Your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables!
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”Do you kids enjoy helping you in the garden? Will they eat what they grow? A few tips on gardening with your kids and how to get them to eat what they’ve grown #thehappygal #healthykids #vegetablegarden #kidseatvegetables”]We are excited to welcome Amy and Natalie from Super Healthy Kids for this post! […]
Ready, Set Back to School!

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”…..jpg” description=”You are going to love these organization tips to help you and your kids start the new year off right. #freeprintable #backtoschool #getorganized #schoolwork #paper”]Calling all mothers out there…the end is at sight! Don’t get me wrong. I love summer as much as the next girl, but come August, a […]
Happy Mother’s Day
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”A tribute to mothers on Mother’s Day, and a BONUS link to Jenny Layton’s interview on feeling fulfilled as a mother. #HappyMothersDay #Love #God #fulfilled.”] Happy Mother’s Day to you! We know what it’s like in the trenches of motherhood, and we wanted to give you a gift to honor all […]
5 Ways Kids Can Help With Spring Cleaning
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”5 Ways kids can help around the house when it’s time for spring cleaning. A great way to work together as a team and get the jobs done. These tips turn cleaning into fun games. #thehappygal #springcleaning #helpfulkids #cleaning”]When it comes to managing the home, I’m a big believer in working […]
How I Became a Good Mom
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”It’s got to be the same for everyone…the moment we first look into the newborn eyes of our oldest child, all other ambitions in life give way to our overwhelming desire to be a good mother. As time goes on, that desire grows stronger and stronger…even as we begin to realize […]
Hope for the Discouraged Mother
[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”When raising kids, there are many more hard moments than good moments, it is true. But what is also true is that although hard moments outnumber the good moments, the good moments outweigh the hard ones. #motherhood #raisingkids #happiness #joyinmotherhood”]My husband and I decided to go for it with the […]