Ep. 43 – When Your Personality Gets In The Way Of Getting Organized

Have you ever wondered why some people can be haunted by a sink full of dirty dishes – and others walk right past it without even noticing it? Is it simply a matter of habits? Or does personal play a bigger part than we give it credit for?
In this episode Laurie Palau from SimplyBOrganized.com shares how she uses the Enneagram personality test to help her clients find ways to get organized based on their unique personalities…
Ep. 38 – When You Need A Little Boost

Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up every morning in a good mood? Or just have an extra boost of optimism or energy in your day? Subconsciously we are always looking for pick-me-ups that can do just that – and we often turn to spending money or snacking on junk food for that quick boost. But there is something we can do to experience a happier state more regularly.
In this episode, I share 3 easy ways we can organize more often, so we can give ourselves that little boost.
3 Thoughts That Keep you From Being Organized
As I’ve been working with women for the last 15 years to help them get organized, there have been 3 specific statements that stop organization dead in its tracks. We all say these things, but the next time one starts to come into your mind or out of your mouth…catch yourself! Replacing these limiting statements […]
Organize Your Thinking – The Result
As I mentioned in my last blog post here, my neck is causing me some strife. I shared some of the details from the last 6 months, and my current perspective. If nothing else, this neck experience has been an opportunity to learn how to own that space between stimulus and response. Responding with faith […]
Organize Your Thinking
Organize Your Thinking – The Opportunity I have a little problem right now. It started last fall and it isn’t getting any better. At least not yet. I first noticed it when I was driving. I tried to look over my right shoulder and couldn’t rotate my neck all the way. Thinking it would work […]