[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”http://momsbestnetwork.com/5-mythsrules-while-playing-the-body-image-game/” image_url=””https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/vow-feb-4-1024×1024.jpg” description=”Great post about the five rules/myths we sometimes follow while playing the body image game. www.TheHappyGal.com #healthybodyimage #loveyourself #beyourself”] Recently I was invited by Tana Hallows to become a regular contributor to her blog, MomsBestNetwork.com. Yesterday Moms Best posted my article
“The Body Image Game: Five Myths/Rules We Play.”
It went a little something like this:
1. Food is the enemy. (Inspired by my popular post,
Food is Your Friend.)
2. Happiness is losing ten pounds.
3. If you want to be thin, you must constantly play the game.
4. If you can’t emulate the standard, you’re doing something wrong.
5. Other women are competition.
Be sure to check out the entire post
here. It’s what every woman needs to hear as she heads into swimsuit season.