Happy Thanksgiving!!!

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/happy-thanksgiving/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Gratitude-Quote-2.jpg” description=”So grateful for all that I have!!! #gratitude #happygal #thanksgiving”]

How Positive Thinking Helped One Cancer Patient

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/positive-thinking/” image_url=”https://thehappygal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Think-Positive.jpg” description=”Life is always ready to hand us circumstances that will make us or break us, and this courageous account illustrates the ability we have to make hard things become beautiful…starting with the power of our thoughts. #thoughts #positive #cancer #strength #survival”]

Count Your Blessings

-This morning I woke up and realized that my dishwasher wasn’t working. Suddenly, I realized how much I depend on a working dishwasher. -Last week I noticed that my lip was getting a little sore. Within a few hours it had turned into a cold sore. (I hate those!) At that moment, I had a […]

Be Nice to Yourself!

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”https://thehappygal.com/be-nice-to-yourself-3/” image_url=https://thehappygal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/be-nice-to-yourself-resized.jpg” description=”We all need to remember this! #confidence #loveyourself #selfimage”]  You might also like: The Body Image Game You’re Beautiful