Ep. 68 - 3 Steps to Accomplishing Big Things

Ever feel like your big goals are out of reach? Whether you’re aiming for better health, stronger relationships, or career success, big goals can feel impossible.

Working with a new client recently, we tackled something big – whittling down an 8-month work caseload of 56 to something more manageable. With her job on the line, she began implementing some key strategies – and in just 4 weeks, she got that number down to 14. Aside from all the celebrating we did, we spent a lot of time breaking down the key components that contributed to this success, and in this episode I’m sharing three of them.

The first strategy will sound very familiar to Life Organized listeners – she created daily and weekly routines…and they were incredibly simple. Just a few minutes each morning to check emails, look at her tasks, and set priorities. It’s like aiming before you fire – and it makes all the difference. Whether you’re trying to get healthier, improve a relationship, or crush it at work, the right routines can be your secret weapon.

The second strategy is an important one. When we have big things we want to accomplish, we often make things harder than they need to be. One of the biggest breakthroughs for my client was when she realized that tackling her caseload didn’t have to look the way she thought it would. She had some honest chats with her manager and found easier ways to close cases. Like my client, your big goal might be more achievable than you think – if you’re willing to look at it differently.

The last strategy is critical – you’ve got to keep saying yes to yourself. My client’s “overnight” success? It wasn’t really overnight. She’d been working on herself for years, soaking up knowledge from books, podcasts (including mine!), and other coaches. It’s like the Chinese bamboo tree – for years, it looks like nothing’s happening, but underground, it’s building a strong root system. Then suddenly – boom! Ninety feet of growth in six weeks. Your efforts might not show results right away, but when you keep saying yes to yourself, you are building characteristics that will give you the strength to do things that feel impossible to you now. 

The So What Moment:


1. Pick one small daily routine that’ll inch you closer to your goal. It doesn’t have to be huge – just consistent.


2. Challenge yourself to think differently about your goal. How could it be easier than you’re making it?=


3. Commit to one small act of self-improvement related to your goal. Even if you don’t see results right away, keep at it.

I’d love to hear how these strategies work for you. Drop me a message on Instagram or Facebook @JLTheHappyGal, or email me at [email protected]. Share your wins, ask questions – I’m here for it all!


Remember, you’re meant for big things. That goal wouldn’t be on your radar if you couldn’t achieve it.

So go for it – I believe in you!

Until next time, keep organizing your amazing life!

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