As we head into summer, kids and screen time might be on your mind. And that’s exactly why I interviewed Andrea Davis from Andrea’s mission is to teach parents how to worry less about technology and connect more with their kids. And what better time to focus on this than during the long days of summer that are around the corner?
Because kids’ brains are still developing, this is a particularly vulnerable time to place tech in their hands. That’s why it’s important to take an honest look at what is open and available in the cyberworld when you hand your children a device. Andrea suggests that you take the time to discuss with your kids what they love and don’t love about tech; when and where devices will be allowed; and installing passwords, protections, and limits to keep kids from accessing harmful material.
She also recommends designing your summer with intention as an alternative to screen time. This includes setting goals, teaching your kids important life skills, and keeping them busy with productive and engaging activities, which is exactly what my Organize Your Summer mini-course helps you to do. Healthy screen habits + Organize Your Summer make the perfect match!
Also in this episode, we talked about how technology can be viewed through the lens of the 3 C’s: Create, Connect, and Consume. Not all time spent on technology is to be avoided, as it assists you to be creative and also connect with family and friends. The 3rd C – Consume – is the aspect of technology that needs to be managed with time limits and boundaries.
And don’t you worry – there are plenty of tips for how to help teens with healthy screen use, especially when social media apps like snap chat appear to be a vital way they connect with their friends. Tactics such as installing an app on mom’s phone where it can be closely monitored, and choosing an app like Marco Polo that allows teens to connect with fewer true friends in a safe way rather than connecting with endless friends where dangers exist can help you navigate the tech journey with teens.
Andrea’s parting advice: Foster connection with your kids. Connecting one-on-one promotes strong relationships and good mental health, and also gives your kids a safe place to come when they do access something online that makes them uncomfortable.
What to do next:
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